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Scientific activity > Achievements

The main achievements of SD (CADS) Department

1. Creation of powerful complexes of design automatization in electronics (PRАМ, ALLTED, KOMOL etc.). Beginning from 1970, Departments collaborators executed more than 50 research efforts, such as 'Lapidar', 'Canopus', 'PRAM', which have been executed after the corresponding enactments of the Highest Industrial Council of USSR, tasks of all-USSR and Republican programs in the field of creation and design of CADS means, tasks of International Programs of Collaboration within Council of Economical Assistance, tasks of State programs of Ukraine, tasks of European Commonwealth CALMAP and COPERNICUS-INCO, state budget research efforts according to plans of Ministry of Education of Ukraine.
      1.1. Complex for circuit engineering design PRАМ-01 was moved to the all-USSR Trust of Algorithms and Programs, and also to specialized trust of Ministry for Communication Manufacturing. Complex PRAM-PC was demonstrated at the International Exhibition in Plovdiv (Bulgaria) in 1990. 
      1.2. In 1990, ALLTED package of circuit engineering design took the Prize of Kiev Polytechnic University. Work on creating the SPARS complex in 1980 was acknowledged to be the best by research efforts of MinVuz of USSR.
      1.3. COMOL complex for digital schemes building was installed on 6 enterprises of former USSR.

2. Creation of multimedia applications (electronic books) according to the International Program of European Collaboration CALMAP-TASIS, creation, after the order of Ministry of Ukraine on Emergency Questions, of computer programs for education and knowledge control for controlling personnel on CDC PIB of Ukraine”. 

3. Creation of e-learning tools, development of information Internet resources, participation in executing the project of European Commission Сopernicus-INCO.
      3.1. Development, according to this task, of multimedia e-learning course 'Embedded systems development' in WebCT environment, and its demonstration in video conference mode during the visit of Director of International Institute of Intellectual Property to NTUU 'KPI' (October 2001). 
      3.2. Creation of e-learning programs for Ministry of Ukraine on Emergency Questions.
      3.3. Exploring methods of creating virtual 3D world in Internet and 3D animation.

4. Development of hardware and software digital signal processing systems on the basis of digital signal processing processors and means of automatization for such processors software updating.  
      4.1. In-circuit emulator for signal processing processors TMS320C3x, TMS320C5x by Texas Instruments on the basis of JTAG interface which is used on line of Ukrainian and Russian enterprises.
      4.2. Controllers of gas analyzers “Mars-5” and ”Mars-6”, installed on several Ukrainian enterprises.
      4.3. Universal controller for computational devices on the basis of digital processor for signal processing TMS320C31.
      4.4. Heat energy counter on the basis of micro controller MSP430x337.

5. Development of network complex of computer aided design for complex multi-functional systems, together with Department of Special Modeling Tools of the Institute of Information Registration problems of NAS of Ukraine and Educational complex 'Kurs' (which belongs to Scientific Production Association 'Kiev Radio Engineering Plant') according to grant of Ukrainian Scientific Technological Center (USTC).

6. Development of MEMS mathematical model (ultrasonic electrical membrane). Executed in 2001 according to the contract with General Electric Company.

7. Including the ALLTED system of circuit engineering design into the MyCAD integrated system of South Korean SeoduLogic Company for large-scale integration circuits (LSI) design.

8. Getting technical support in the form of computer equipment from Соmpaq Company for the sum of 30 thousand USD (1999) and Intel Company for the sum of 20 thousand USD (2002);

9. Participation with invited lectures of prof. A.I. Petrenko in the work of European Conferences on circuit theory and their design (ECCTD’99 and ECCTD’01), which took place correspondingly in Italy (1999) and Finland(2001).

10. Beginning of real LSI design on the level of modern technologies (0,18 mk), development of five integrated circuits for Germany and their manufacturing on Siemens enterprise according to the agreement with Scientific Research Institute of Physics in Frankfurt-upon-Oder (Germany).

11. Obtaining in 1999 grant of Ukrainian Scientific Technological Centre (USTC) for development of project 'Development of network complex of computer aided design for complex multi-functional systems' together with Department of Special Modelling Tools of the Institute of Information Registration problems of NAS of Ukraine and Educational complex 'Kurs' (which belongs to Scientific Production Association 'Kiev Radio Engineering Plant') .

12. Development, according to the task of the International MM-EDU project, of multimedia e-learning course 'Embedded systems development' in WebCT environment, and its demonstration in video conference mode during the visit of Director of International Institute of Intellectual Property to NTUU 'KPI' (October 2001) .

13. Execution of contract with General Electric Company for development of MEMS mathematical model (ultrasonic electrical membrane) in 2001.

14. Signing the agreement from 2000 with South Korean SeoduLogic Company about including the ALLTED system of circuit engineering design into the MyCAD integrated system of South Korean SeoduLogic Company for large-scale integration circuits (LSI) design.

15. Participation with invited lectures of prof. A.I. Petrenko in the work of European Conferences on circuit theory and their design (ECCTD’99 and ECCTD’01), which took place correspondingly in Italy (1999) and Finland (2001).

During the years o SD (CADS) Department existence, complex library on CADS theory and practice, which contains 29 monographs, tutorials and textbooks, was prepared and published. It received national recognition in the form of State prize of Ukraine for the textbook “Основи побудови САПР” (Петренко А.І., 1986) and three prizes of 'KPI' (1972, 78 and 90), and also recognition abroad by translation and publication of 4 monographs in the USA, Bulgaria, Australia, and Korea.

Among publications for the last 10 years are:

   1. “Мультимедиа” / Под ред. А.И.Петренко - К.: BHV, 1994. - 198 c.
   2. Petrenko A.I.. Ladogubets V.V., Tchkalov V.V., Pudlowski Z.J. ALLTED - A computer aided engineering for electronic circuit design. - Melbourne: UICEE, 1997р. - 306 p.
   3. “ALL TECHNOLOGY DISIGNER: Reference Book” (під ред. А.І. Петренка і Юнг Су Ю, Сан-Мунський Університет, 1999, 342 стр.).
   4.”Basic Electronic Circuits Computer-Aided Design” (Petrenko A.I., Pogang University of Science and Technology, Korea, 2000, 249 p.).
   5. Петренко А.І. “Обчислювальна математика”, ВМУРОЛ ”Україна”, Київ, 2002, 240 стр.
   6. Малявко С.М. Твой самоучитель по ПК. – М.: ООО „Бином-Пресс” 2004 г. – 364 с.
   7. Фельдман Л.П., Петренко А.І., Дмитрієва О.А. Чисельні методи в інформатиці (підручник).- BHV, 2005 р. – 600 c.
   8. Л.П.Фельдман, А.І.Петренко, О.А.Дмитрієва «Чисельні методи», Лабораторний практікум – Донецьк: ДонНТУ, 2009. – 320 с.
   9. Петренко А.І.„Основи автоматизованого проектування складних об’єктів та систем”, Київ, „Політехніка”, 2002, – 208 стр..
   10. «Вступ до Grid технологій в науці і освіті”, автор Петренко А.І. Вид-во „Політехніка”, 2008 , –122 С.
   11. «Застосування Grid технологій в науці і освіті », автор Петренко А.І, Вид-во „Політехніка” ,2009 , –144 с.
   12. Рогоза В.С., Іщенко Г.В. Інтелектуальні платформи розподілених інформаційних середовищ. – Київ: НТУУ „КПІ”, 2009. – 358 с..: іл.