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Admission > Why should choose SD?
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     Everyone knows that nowadays graduates of technical higher educational establishments which are specialized on computer technologies are the most required at the labour-market. One of such higher educational establishments is National Technical University of Ukraine \'Kiev Polytechnic Institute\', one of the most famous technical higher educational establishments in Ukraine and world which has many achievements in scientific work, lecturers\' practice and qualified staff training. One of the most modern directions of information technologies is computer sciences.


Computer sciences are connected with the active use of computers in science, techniques, business, healthcare and many other types of human activity. They give tremendous possibilities for the successful career, and the people working bin the field of computer technologies play the key role in forming modern information society. It is important that the field of computer sciences attracts the most talented students from different sections of the population which, in its turn, enables to make them skilled and responsible specialists, scientists, and engineers.

In NTUU \'KPI\' training specialists on computer sciences is officially executed with four Departments only: two Departments (MMSA and SD) of the Institute for Applied System Analysis (IASA), and one by one Departments of the Faculty of Computational and Information Techniques of Heat-and-Power Engineering Faculty. That is why advertisement stands in selection committees of the other Departments and faculties about training specialists on computer sciences and technologies are, to say the least, gross exaggeration, because this task is not their profile specialization.

What unique peculiarities in curriculum and training specialists on computer sciences are characteristic of IASA, in particular, and of System Design (SD) Department, in general?

1. First of all, educational training program is based on international standards, namely, on Computing Curricula 2004 educational program. SD educational program isn’t focused only on programming disciplines, and due to advanced mathematical and circuit engineering courses it guarantees obtaining by students wide knowledge and skills in the field of modern computational means and information technologies.

2. Success in specialists\' training is defined not only with educational program itself. It is very important who performs this program, and what the conditions are. Education on SD Department is based o the very powerful material technical basis and on scientific research work of the Department, defined in Ukraine and abroad. SD Department is the permanent executor of European international scientific research programs (TEMPUS, INCO-Copernicious), international of Ukrainian Scientific Technological Centre (USTC), direct contracts with pioneering foreign companies (Digital, Motorola, Intel, IHP, Melexis, Panasonic, IBM), State programs of Ukraine on informatization, for instance, \'Creation of National Grid infrastructure for providing scientific research and education\' project (2007-10). Students are widely involved into participation in these projects, which gives them possibility to get practical skills of developing and supporting complex computer systems and their software even during the period of education. For instance, Department and Melexis Company common laboratory, which is equipped with 15 licensed modern design Cadence systems, enables students to execute project works in conditions which are maximally approached to those of Western Companies in equipment and technologies used, which are yet absent in Ukraine.

Department students have the unique possibilities to obtain professional knowledge. Students are involved into serving and administrating the Department local network, serving the World Data Centre of IASA which works in world Web of 52 such centres in 12 countries of the world, and into working in Centre for Supercomputer Computations of NTUU \'KPI\', which are headed by SD Department lecturers.
Pioneering countries experience, together with the own SD Department experience show that computer scientists successfully fulfil themselves in the three following directions:
- Software design and implementation. They are invited for perspective organic assignments of programmers. They are charged with work coordination of the other programmers who are less aware of the new approaches to programming. 
- Search and developing the new ways and directions of computer use. Achievements in the field of creating computer networks, data and knowledge bases, user-friendly human-computer interface enabled to create Internet and Web service (WWW). Nowadays researchers work on building the world Grid network for sharing computational capabilities and data repositories. Grid enables to go beyond the simple data exchange between computers, and to turn their global network into some kind of giant virtual computer, available in remote mode from any point, independently on user\'s location.
- Development of efficient ways for solving computerization tasks. For example, computer scientists develop efficient ways of data storing in data bases, data transfer over the computer networks and complex information display. Their theoretical fundamental training enables them to find the best decisions of all possible, and their knowledge of algorithms helps to develop the new approaches which provide better functionality and efficiency of projects or systems being created.

It is interesting to study at the SD Department. Only due to interest to the computational techniques and new computer technologies grade point average among five-year students achieves 4.6, and more than 15% of graduates get honours degree.

Don\'t be afraid of studies complexity! What is interesting is got with ease! Join the SD Department students!


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Why SD?

     Everyone knows that nowadays graduates of technical higher educational establishments which are specialized on computer technologies are the most required at the labour-market. One of such higher educational establishments is National Technical University of Ukraine 'Kiev Polytechnic Institute', one of the most famous technical higher educational establishments in Ukraine and world which has many achievements in scientific work, lecturers' practice and qualified staff training. One of the most modern directions of information technologies is computer sciences.

Computer sciences are connected with the active use of computers in science, techniques, business, healthcare and many other types of human activity. They give tremendous possibilities for the successful career, and the people working bin the field of computer technologies play the key role in forming modern information society. It is important that the field of computer sciences attracts the most talented students from different sections of the population which, in its turn, enables to make them skilled and responsible specialists, scientists, and engineers.

In NTUU 'KPI' training specialists on computer sciences is officially executed with four Departments only: two Departments (MMSA and SD) of the Institute for Applied System Analysis (IASA), and one by one Departments of the Faculty of Computational and Information Techniques of Heat-and-Power Engineering Faculty. That is why advertisement stands in selection committees of the other Departments and faculties about training specialists on computer sciences and technologies are, to say the least, gross exaggeration, because this task is not their profile specialization.

What unique peculiarities in curriculum and training specialists on computer sciences are characteristic of IASA, in particular, and of System Design (SD) Department, in general?

1. First of all, educational training program is based on international standards, namely, on Computing Curricula 2004 educational program. SD educational program isn’t focused only on programming disciplines, and due to advanced mathematical and circuit engineering courses it guarantees obtaining by students wide knowledge and skills in the field of modern computational means and information technologies.

2. Success in specialists' training is defined not only with educational program itself. It is very important who performs this program, and what the conditions are. Education on SD Department is based o the very powerful material technical basis and on scientific research work of the Department, defined in Ukraine and abroad. SD Department is the permanent executor of European international scientific research programs (TEMPUS, INCO-Copernicious), international of Ukrainian Scientific Technological Centre (USTC), direct contracts with pioneering foreign companies (Digital, Motorola, Intel, IHP, Melexis, Panasonic, IBM), State programs of Ukraine on informatization, for instance, 'Creation of National Grid infrastructure for providing scientific research and education' project (2007-10). Students are widely involved into participation in these projects, which gives them possibility to get practical skills of developing and supporting complex computer systems and their software even during the period of education. For instance, Department and Melexis Company common laboratory, which is equipped with 15 licensed modern design Cadence systems, enables students to execute project works in conditions which are maximally approached to those of Western Companies in equipment and technologies used, which are yet absent in Ukraine.

Department students have the unique possibilities to obtain professional knowledge. Students are involved into serving and administrating the Department local network, serving the World Data Centre of IASA which works in world Web of 52 such centres in 12 countries of the world, and into working in Centre for Supercomputer Computations of NTUU 'KPI', which are headed by SD Department lecturers.
Pioneering countries experience, together with the own SD Department experience show that computer scientists successfully fulfil themselves in the three following directions:
- Software design and implementation. They are invited for perspective organic assignments of programmers. They are charged with work coordination of the other programmers who are less aware of the new approaches to programming. 
- Search and developing the new ways and directions of computer use. Achievements in the field of creating computer networks, data and knowledge bases, user-friendly human-computer interface enabled to create Internet and Web service (WWW). Nowadays researchers work on building the world Grid network for sharing computational capabilities and data repositories. Grid enables to go beyond the simple data exchange between computers, and to turn their global network into some kind of giant virtual computer, available in remote mode from any point, independently on user's location.
- Development of efficient ways for solving computerization tasks. For example, computer scientists develop efficient ways of data storing in data bases, data transfer over the computer networks and complex information display. Their theoretical fundamental training enables them to find the best decisions of all possible, and their knowledge of algorithms helps to develop the new approaches which provide better functionality and efficiency of projects or systems being created.

It is interesting to study at the SD Department. Only due to interest to the computational techniques and new computer technologies grade point average among five-year students achieves 4.6, and more than 15% of graduates get honours degree.

Don't be afraid of studies complexity! What is interesting is got with ease! Join the SD Department students!