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Scientific activity > Current projects
Current projects

Projects being in execution

1. The following scientific-technical projects are being executed by the Department of System Design and Department of Information Resources:

  • - Methods for automatic creation of micro electro mechanical schemes circuit macro models.
  • - Creation of Semantic Web portal of knowledge and means for Data Mining for National Grid Infrastructure.
  • - Development of multi fibre circuits switching system.

'Creation of Semantic Web portal of knowledge and means for Data Mining for National Grid Infrastructure' project is being executed according to the tasks of State Program 'Information and Communication Technologies in Science and Education' for 2006-2010. In the course of project execution:

  • - SDGrid portal (sdgrid.cad.kiev.ua) is developed for access to Grid infrastructure as the only point of users' access to heterogeneous information resources and applications.
  • - Scientists from regional Universities now have the possibility to compute, in the mode of remote access, complex tasks, connected with resource-intensive computations and large data arrays processing, on NTUU 'KPI' cluster (688 processors, productivity after LOPACK is more than 6 Тflops), which was connected to cluster network of IC NASU, ITF NASU, KNU and the other organizations which belong to the Grid infrastructure academic segment.
  • - Documentation on destination and functions of Certification Authority of Public Keys is created. Certification Authority of Public Keys is responsible for Grid resources registration, virtual organizations (VO) and their users' registration (www.сa.ugrid.org), and which provides Ukrainian users with access European Grid resources and data repositories. In January 2008, its activity in collaboration with European EUGridPMA association began.
  • - Real unification of existing segments of scientific and educational computational and communication infrastructure of NASU and DESU into the single Ukrainian National Grid Initiative is begun. The project of UNGI was prepared in August 2007 and was accepted as component of European pioneering projects EGEE (Enabling Grids for E-sciencE) and EGI (European Grid Initiatives). Common activity of NASU and DESU was approved on session of Consultative Council and Committee of Supreme Council on Education and Science on April 11, 2008. On the basis of formed UNGI conception, conception of State program on introducing Grid technologies for 2009-2013 is approved by Cabinet of Ministers in Ukraine (5.11.08).

2. According to agreement from December 1, 2004, collaboration with German IHP (Innovation for High Performance) Company in Frankfurt (Oder) continues.

According to collaboration program, students O. Skrypka and S. Gydyrev underwent training in IHP from August 4, 2008 to October 31, 2008. They took part in участь IHP projects in sub department of Integrated Circuits Design. Students K. Dotsenko and R. Adamchuk underwent training from March 2 to May 2, 2009. They took part in IHP projects in sub department of Integrated Circuits Design.

3. According to agreement from September 19, 2003, collaboration with English EUROPRACTICE Association continues. Department received, for learning and research works, modern software for Computer Aided Integrated Circuits Design (Cadence system, 31 license).

4. According to agreement from March 18, 2008, collaboration with Belgian Meleхis Company continues.

In 2009, Department received, for studying support (grants) for 15992,0 EUR. In addition, Company paid 1900.0 EUR for the software support and licenses providing.In common laboratory with Meleхis Company, students S. Bondaryov, S. Mykytenko, A. Kashlev, O. Britova, O. Filatov, O. Schvaitchenko, D. Gurin continued education. Works on projects, according to Melexis Company subject area, continued.

5. In January 2009, Head of SD Department A.I. Petrenko was working in Technical University of Ilmenau (Germany) with the goal of introducing the results of USTC project 'Development of methodology and means for design in Internet environment with orientation at micro electro mechanical schemes (MEMS)', which finished in December 2008.

6. In September 2009, Head of SD Department A.I. Petrenko took part in international conference in Moscow (Russia): Optimal Electronic Circuits and Microsystems Networked Designer, East-West Design and Test Conference (EWDT-09), Moscow, September 2009.

7. In the process of creating 'Creation of Semantic Web portal of knowledge and means for Data Mining for National Grid Infrastructure' portal, relations with Institutes of NAS of Ukraine were prolonged, and enhanced. Especially actively Department collaborates with the following institutes:

  • - (ITF) N.N. Bogolubov Institute of Theoretical Physics;
  • - (IMBG) Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics.

Within this collaboration, 3 Master's dissertations were prepared for NAS of Ukraine.